Imagine Writing Stories That...
- Build a deep emotional connection with your readers and audience from the first page to the last.
- Set you apart as a clear, confident writer.
- Inspire agents, managers, producers and publishers to buy into your vision.
With 40+ years of industry experience, thousands of satisfied clients, renowned lectures, and presentations to over 800,000 people worldwide, Michael and his proven approach to writing stories that sell have helped countless writers elevate their screenplays and manuscripts.
With his team of expert story consultants, Michael now offers a range of coaching options to fit every project.
You just have to know the process…
Step 1:
Learn Michael’s principles and techniques.
Step 2:
Apply them to
your story.
Step 3:
Get your script or manuscript optioned, produced or published.
How much are meandering, weak or boring stories costing you?
Do you…
- Struggle to find the most impactful way to tell your story?
- Worry you’re not clearly conveying your vision?
- Envy the success of your peers?
- Spend hours and days on endless rewrites on your script or novel?
- Stop yourself from sharing your talent because you’re afraid that breaking through in this industry is too much of an uphill climb?
Michael’s simple process for finding, writing and delivering emotionally captivating stories will help you overcome these obstacles.

What's It Like Working with Michael?

Watch Michael in Action
A Message from Michael…

I know how you feel.
I know how much you want to touch millions of people’s lives with your writing. And I know the frustration and pain you feel when agents, producers, publishers and financiers don’t seem to understand or connect with your stories (or won’t even look at them in the first place).
But after helping thousands of writers, filmmakers and business leaders touch millions of people with their stories, screenplays, novels and films, I promise that you, too, can overcome whatever stands in your way.
If writing is a goal you wish to pursue, then do it on the basis of the reality of the work involved and the fulfillment you will achieve, not just on the expectation of whatever delayed rewards may await you somewhere down the road.
And then give it your all. As long as you find the process of writing personally fulfilling, keep at it, because anyone with talent who sticks around long enough will succeed, as countless writers have before you.
If creating stories for the page, stage or screen is your passion and your dream, you can empower yourself to do so by developing your own creativity, knowing what is required and helpful at each stage of the writing and selling process, and intelligently focusing on methods that have proved successful.
That is what the contents of this website will guide you toward.
So join me, and we can make this happen.