If your organization is interested in having Michael appear, or in sponsoring one of his seminars, please contact us.
Story Mastery Workshop
During this special, all-day seminar, Michael will present his unique approach to creating compelling stories for film and fiction.
Drawing on his decades as a Hollywood script consultant, author and lecturer, he will show the most powerful methods for eliciting emotion in your readers and audiences through story concept, plot structure, character development and theme.
Michael will then reveal his proven method for getting the people in power to read your manuscript or screenplay.
You Will Learn:
- The primary goal of all story
- Turning plot structure from a complicated concept into a simple, powerful tool you can easily apply to every story
- The power of desire, need, longing and destiny
- The essential conflict all characters must face
- Novel structure vs. movie structure
- The single key to creating character arc and theme
- The secret to creating unique, believable and fulfilling love stories
- The most effective process for adapting novels into film
- The biggest mistake writers make while pitching their work
- The key components of a powerful pitch

Advanced Story Mastery Intensive
During this unique, hands-on workshop, Michael provides individual guidance to each of the 12 participants, followed by group discussion of each project.
Enrollees will submit a one-page synopsis plus the opening pages of their novel or screenplay, to be read in advance by Michael and all the other participants.
Particular attention will be paid to applying Michael Hauge’s principles of:
- Story concept
- Plot structure
- Character arc
- Love stories
- Underlying theme
- Commercial potential

Entertain. Enlighten. Empower.
Contact Michael today to discuss how we can create the most beneficial and memorable experience for your organization.

The 10 Essential Elements of Every Great Story
Whether you want your screenplay produced, your novel published or your movie made, you must master the key elements that transform any story into an artistic and commercial success.
In this acclaimed presentation, Michael reveals the essential principles for creating compelling commercial stories that will touch and transform readers and audiences at the deepest possible level.
You Will Learn:
- The #1 goal of every story
- The 10 essential elements your story must contain
- The 3 most powerful methods for creating empathy with your protagonist
- A simple method for mastering story structure
- The power of transformation

Writing Love Stories & Romantic Comedies
Love stories heighten both the emotional appeal and the commercial potential of your screenplay or novel, and provide you with a powerful tool for revealing inner conflict, character growth, and theme.
Using successful romantic comedies and love stories as examples, Michael reveals the essential principles and methods for writing believable, entertaining, and emotionally fulfilling romantic relationships.
You Will Learn:
- The single biggest weakness of most love stories
- Hero and love interest or hero and heroine?
- The necessity of character arc in any love story
- Whether, where and how to get your lovers into bed
- How romance fiction differs from Hollywood romance
- The unique rules of romantic comedy: fantasy, duality, deceit

Uniting Story Structure and Character Arc
In the best screenplays and novels, the heroes must achieve two compelling goals: an outer journey of accomplishment; and a deeper, inner journey of transformation and fulfillment. In one of his most popular lectures, Michael presents his unique approach to mastering these two essential components of your story.
You Will Learn:
- The primary goal of all story
- The Hero’s 2 Journeys
- The 6 stages to a well structured story
- The power of desire, need, longing and destiny
- The essential conflict all characters must face
- The single key to developing character arc and theme
- Using love stories reveal character transformation

Seducing the Reader in the First 10 Pages
The opening of your screenplay or novel is your single most powerful weapon for acquiring an agent or securing a deal.
Using examples from recent successful films and novels, Michael reveals the secrets of transforming your opening scenes into emotionally gripping sequences that will force readers to turn the page.
You Will Learn:
- The essential components of every opening
- The 5 most powerful methods for establishing empathy with your protagonist
- The biggest danger in trying to grab your reader
- The 6 types of openings – and when to use each
- The 4 most effective ways to draw us into the setting
- Action, description and dialogue that will transport your reader
- Why you want your main character to be passive, NOT heroic

Character. Desire. Conflict.