Q: Can you describe some of the things writers need to think about in writing a salable story?
Q: Can you describe some of the things writers need to think about in writing a salable story?
Your job as a screenwriter is to create a movie in the mind of your readers. You must draw us into your story by providing a clear picture of what we’ll see on the screen when we watch your film.
Writer’s block grows out of fear – of never finishing, of your work not being good enough, of leaving your comfort zone, of putting yourself above others.
Back in the Dark Ages, when I was just a movie lover fresh from Oregon with Hollywood dreams, I attended Sherwood Oaks Experimental College.
One of the most frequent criticisms of novel and screenplay dialogue is that it’s on the nose. Anything on the nose is too obvious.
Stories are built on a foundation of desire and conflict. To create an emotionally involving and commercially successful screenplay, you must give your hero…
When it comes to writing style, a screenwriter’s goal must be to create a movie in the reader’s mind that is as fast, easy and enjoyable to read as possible…
In your romantic comedy, don’t have the hero and romance character jump into bed right away, just because you want something sexy to move the story along.
Every successful screenwriter or novelist I know possesses one outstanding quality: tenacity. The difference between working writers and wannabes isn’t talent or age.
Q: What if I love writing, but really struggle with the sales part, and hate the thought of pitching?
Send your questions to Michael and he’ll create a Q&A Article specifically for your question!